Welcome to our HTML glossary!

<!-- comment-->

code comment will not not be displayed on the page

<!-- -->


Starts code for each page. Indicates that it's written with HTML 5.

<!DOCTYPE html>


h stands for heading.heading 1 is the biggest heading 2 is a tiny bit smaller......heading 6 is the smallest.

<h1> this is heading 1.<h1>

<h6>this is heading 6.</h6>


<body> this is where the content of the document goes.</body>


This seperates the text into paragraphs.For example:

<p> this is a paragraph.</p>

this is a paragraph.


defines a section of the page mostly so that you can apply formatting to the entire block with CSS

<div>block of text </div>


this for a line break. There is no closing "</br>"tag.



emphasis which is really just italics

<em>block of text </em>

block of text


Used to change a piece of text within a longer piece of text. Supports attributes such as "style".

This is<span style="color:purple">purple</span>text.

This is purple text.

Lists: OL, UL & LI

Ordered Lists (with numbered items), Unordered Lists(without numbered items) and List Items

<p>An ordered list:<p>
<li>Water Buffalo<li>

<p>An unordered list:<p>
<li>Water Buffalo<li>

An ordered list:

  1. Water Buffalo
  2. Cow
  3. Dog

An unordered list:

Tag Definition Code Sample Result
Strong bold text <strong>Bold</strong> Bold